Thursday, January 26, 2006

One way to keep up with what's going on in the industry is to attend trade shows. I got a chance to go to the NATPE conference in Las Vegas in January 2006.

There were panels all day for 4 days, a trade show to explore, and tons of people to talk with and learn from.

The booths were for independent produers, people looking for content for their internet television subscription services, and big names like Carsey Werner and NBC Universal. There were many international content providers too - from Latin America and Asia for example.

College students can apply to be interns. They helped run errands and give directions. They also got to go to the panels and walk around the trade show floor. Being a NATPE intern is another thing you can look forward to as a Television-Radio student. Here's a pic of the intern office - notice the cool jackets.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Want to subscribe to the podcasts in itunes?

here is the URL for our RSS feed:
In iTunes, pull down the Advanced menu, pick Subscribe to Podcast and enter that URL

We hope to have new episodes every couple of weeks.

We also hope to have a couple of video podcasts too this semseter - including onee about the studioes available at IC.

So stick around and tell your friends. And put a pin in our map. Look for the map button in the menu bar on the right side of the screen.


Monday, January 02, 2006

Click here to hear our first podcast. Four freshmen were interviewed about why they chose the Television-Radio department at Ithaca College. It is 5 and a half minutes long.

The following people were involved in its creation:

Kim Gregson, Assistant Professor, Advisor
Kevin Daku, Junior, Audio
Craig Reid, Host
Eddie Pietzak, Wendy Halik, Josh Weiner, AJ Mizes - Guests

Technical Information:
All voices were recorded on an ibook G4 using Audacity software and the built-in microphone. This first episode was edited by Kim Gregson.

Parts of the following songs were used in this first episode. They are from artists on the Magnatune record label. They are all available under Creative Commons licensing - Check out this page for information on podcasting music from this label.

Stop I'm Watching TV by Stark Effect
Stay by my Side by Greg Schuler from Said and Done album

These songs are from the Best of Comfort Stand recordings vol1. it is available from Legal Torrents
Shopping for Explosives by Coconut Monkey Rocket
$30 Suit by Coconut Monkey Rocket

Two songs by Blake Emrys recorded under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 licensing. You can download them from his webpage
Lullaby by Blake Emrys from Divine Aesthetics album
Chaotic Battle by Blake Emrys from Divine Aesthetics album

Thanks for listening! Be sure to check out the pictures of the students below - they are the voices you hear in this episode. Upcoming episodes will include topics such as what to expect on an internship, getting the most out of your time at the LA program, studying abroad, how media production students are affected by copyright laws and what's available through Creative Commons licensing, and college students and media use.

Here are photos of the four freshmen in the order they appear in the first episode.

Eddie Pietzak

Wendy Halik

Josh Weiner

AJ Mizes

Craig Reid

Meet Craig Reid, a freshman Television-Radio student from Brooklyn, New York. He is the host of the podcast this year. As you will hear in the first episode, he's very involved in both television and radio activities here at the Park School. In the spring, we will add a link to Craig's resume. You can leave him comments here on the blog.