Thursday, September 13, 2007

2008 Olympics in Beijing
NBC Sports is coming to the Park School to recruit students to work as interns at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. You would be in China for 6 to 8 weeks, living in the international media village and working for NBC Sports, and returning to the United States in time for the fall 2008 semester.
Only juniors and seniors are eligible to apply. That means you need to be a CURRENT junior or a CURRENT senior to apply. (If you are a current senior, you would need to delay your formal date of graduation to August so you could enroll in an academic credit for the internship during the summer; all interns must be students. You would still participate in graduation in every way, but your official graduation date would be in August.)Freshmen and sophomores will get their chance in 2010.
The total cost to interns will be $2500, which students will pay to NBC as a contribution toward expenses. That amount will cover all student contribution for transportation, housing, food, and whatever other fees or costs may be associated with the experience; NBC will cover the rest. All interns will travel to and from China together and will be part of an active and engaged internship program, with NBC staff serving as mentors. In addition, NBC Sports will pay for one academic credit for each student intern.Financial constraints should not prohibit any student from participating in this amazing experience. Students who are accepted to the internship program but who would find the costs prohibitive should let me know; we will find a way to make your participation possible.
What to do:
Fill out an application. Form can be downloaded (below), or pick one up in the Dean's office on the third floor of Park. You will need to fill the application out and return it to the Dean's Office on or before Monday, September 24, 2007.We will send all applications to NBC Sports, which will identify those students it chooses to interview.
Five NBC Sports staffers will be on campus on October 24 and 25 to conduct interviews. We'll schedule those 30-minute sessions in early October. NBC Sports -- not the Park School -- will select the interns.

NBC Informational Flier


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